Thursday, May 13, 2010

ISFP--The Starving Artist

ISFP's live in a world of butterflies and cute puppies, akin to the INFP except more aware of the surroundings. ISFP's have been called "the nicest personality" and for good reason; ISFP's gladly give money to charity and are concerned about the well being of those less fortunate. This overflowing niceness leads to an unresolved paradox, however, where the ISFP actually becomes incredibly mean to people for not being "nice". Also, ISFP's blame themselves for everything; plane crashes, the halaucast, why Bush was elected and trust me it can get annoying.

This trait combination has been dubbed "the Starving Artist" because they will give away all their possesions at some point to focus entirely on art. Or maybe not. ISFP's do whatever they feel like doing, whether it be joining the circus, going to dance school instead of real college, or jumping off a five hundred foot cliff. So go buy a chain link fence or a tether to tie them to (unless they ran away while you were reading this, in which case contact "ISFP recovery program" under police services) if you live with one.

Romance: Invariably, ISFP's will end up with some loser they feel bad for.

Children: Probably with the divorced father/mother after the ISFP ran away to Mexico.

Famous ISFP's: Van Gogh (who cut off his ear becuase he felt like it), and Fred Astaire.

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