Tuesday, May 11, 2010

INTJ(FUNNY)--The Evil Mastermind

Disclaimer: In no way does this reflect facts or beliefs of anyone. This is pure nonsense.

INTJ's are highly intelligent analytical heartless bastards who spend most of their time thinking up different ways to kill you. Their dominant Introversion and iNtuition combined with Thinking and Judging makes them highly attracted to systems of any kind. This also makes them idea people and makes them good with abstract concepts. However, while INTP's want to understand an idea fully, INTJ's are more concerned with using an idea for their own diabolical purpose. INTP's ask "what does this mean?" and INTJ's ask "how can I use this idea for pure evil????". For example, while an INTP may spend hours thinking about quantum mechanics, an INTJ could study it in half the time and use the other hald to build a quantum laser.

Some people say many evil villians are INTJ's, but this is a common misconception. If any INTJ gained the amount of power that evil villians usually get in major hollywood picture, than the hero would be dead within the first 10 minutes. INTJ's are incredibly efficient when left to their own ends. INTJ's also do not care about trivialities such as politeness, manners, or formalities of any kind. Consequently, INTJ's usually do not gain alot of power because they die from forgetting to eat or drink, something that they regard as unimportant details. That is, until they lay on their deathbed. Common last words of the INTJ: "My only regret is not eating...and not having any friends to tell me".

INTJ's are probably the most Introverted type, although not necessarily the most independant. They usually get tired of not having friends after awhile and enslave/torture small animals which they also study. Or, they may attempt to win a girl by using overly clear pick up lines such as "you know what would be fun? If I inserted my penis...". Most INTJ's are doomed to live alone forever, and the few that actually manage to make some kind of social contact with others will probably accidently kill them with their diabolical quantum laser.

Romance: Supposing an INTJ actually does convince a girl to go out with them, they will just end up talking all night about their quantum laser and boring the girl to death. Literally.

Children: No INTJ has ever been reported to have sexual intercourse, but theoretically the children would be used in some kind of complex world domination plan.

Famous INTJ's: Every successful criminal, Nietsche, Ann Ranyd, and that guy with who keeps talking about his quantum laser GOD WILL HE SHUT UP ALREADY!!!


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  2. Hillary Clinton and Theresa May are INTJ, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Felipe VI of Spain and and his mother Sofía, too.

  3. INTJ bad: Anders Breivik,Lenin.
    In all types there are good people and bad people.

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