Friday, May 14, 2010

INTP--The Elitist Bastard

Whats wrong with this sentence: "My Friend who is an INTP wen't out last friday night". What? Went out? Thats funny. Thats really funny. But seriously, INTP's spend all their time holed up in their bedroom googling things just so they can sound smart. Should some unsuspecting bystandar (whom I feel deeply sorry for) should happen by the INTP might set off their trap net and force this poor soul to have a lengthy semantics debate with them about some esoteric subject such as phenomenology.

INTP's also have serious problems with motivation. Although they are not driven to pure evil such as their INTJ cousins, they really don't do anything which is probably just as bad. Einstein, a famous INTP and perhaps the only succsessful one, reportedly watched molecules in the air for hours on end. And if you wan't an INTP to do anything for you, don't even ask. They are
so independant (perhaps lazy is a better word) that they won't ever help you with anything. Unless its related to their interests, which are so damn esoteric don't even ask.

Romance: All INTP's are asexual.

Children: You must be kidding.

Famous INTP's: That douchebag college professor, and that guy who lives in the cave and eats garbage.

1 comment:

  1. INTP: if you can touch their hearts, you've got a gold mine - someone who's motivated to help and has TONS of info on how. If you can't touch their Just run NOW.
