Not all evil masterminds are quintessential system builders. INFJ's show us that emotions and coldness can go hand in hand. Perhaps the best way to explain this is through a drama. A small child realizes they have a gift for communicating with people. But, upon discovering this, they realize that they would rather just reserve this ability for a few people and exploit everyone else.
Perhaps INFJ's are the REAL evil masterminds. Often, INTJ's systems are to complex to actually work (case in point Wile E. Coyote). But INFJ's mission is simple. Convert everyone to NF personality types. "EVERYONE MUST DO ART. EVERYONE MUST BE COMPLEX AND EMOTIONAL LIKE ME!" is probably what INFJ's are thinking most of the time. Also, INFJ's are overly protective of the people they are trying to convert (or friends whatever you want to call it).
Apparently, INFJ's are the 'rarest' of the personalities, but they are relatively easy to spot. They are the ones judging you about that new dress you got. Perhaps it is part of their insatiable need to gossip that INFJ's always have a few very close friends.
Relationships: Probably with someone not emotionally complex. Hippocrits.
Children: Just don't look at them or the INFJ will kill you.
Famous INFJ's: I wouldn't know, their all so damn emotionally complex. Maybe Carl Jung.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
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Wow. A passerby might just think you were bitter.
ReplyDeleteSome of us do have to struggle not to be this way, and I'm sure some lose the fight. Part of the reason for this is because we're narcissist magnets, and once you've had, say, two parents, a grandparent, and about half a dozen "close friends" manipulate you until you can't see straight, well, you get kinda guarded and tend to reserve yourself for a few people for whom you want all the best and with whom you know you're safe. As for exploiting the rest of the world, well, unless you can make a living and get all your material needs met dealing exclusively with the half-dozen or so people you are pretty sure aren't out to destroy you, well, it's got to be all business with the rest.
ReplyDeleteI dont think an INFJ would display their "ability" to "exploit" everybody so openly. Thats very unrealistic. INFJs are generally reserved, patient and private people. They are more likely to back off than to start a fight, when they themselves that they are right ( or they think that they right).
ReplyDeleteWe're judging you because that new dress is hideous. But seriously, everyhing you describe is probably an unhealthy expression of INFJ traits. For example, in my own experience as an INFJ, sure, gossip is a heady drug. But it comes more from a desire to figure people out: "that girl is SUCH a bitch, but WHY?!" Part of trying to grow into a healthy version of my personality type has been learning more constructive ways to figure people out. And I have to second what Birdy said above--that after so many friendships with bitches who we just wish we could figure out, we might come off as guarded and aloof with all but a few select people who we feel a genuine connection with. Essentially, I hope you don't write off this personality type. Hitler may have been an INFJ, but so was Ghandi. Make of that what you will.
ReplyDelete*Gandhi. Fat fingers on an iPhone.