Sunday, June 20, 2010

INFP--The Psycho ..... Idealist

It's easy to spot this personality type. They are the person WAY to passionate about some idea they just read about. All personality types have achilles heels, but this type has no heels, that is because these people are f ing crazy. Don't tell them that, though, because they probably already know it.

What I'm trying to say is that INFP's are passionate about what they believe in, whether it be saving children from certain death in Africa or neo notzism. These people are IDEALISTS to the core. A typical INFP would say: What? There is no objective evidence for my idea? Fuck you! Objectivity is a bunch of BULLOX! My idea is right becuause I READ IT (in national inquirier, most likely). Sure, I'll here your idea, but my idea is better BECAUSE I BELIEVE IT!!!!!....

So, when talking to an INFP just listen to them prattle on about whatever stupid crap they believe in and maybe throw in something every once in awhile with the expectation that they won't listen to you at all...believe me I've tried.

Famous INFP's: Joan of Arc, who used her passion of patriotism to save France and then died for it...just goes to show, idealist's are stupid.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Blog Checkpoint

So far I've done 4 of the 16 personality types. I probably know enouph about most of them to do funny posts, but I can't see myself doing one one on ENFJ's (since I have had no experience with one) or ESFJ's (since they seems to be way to nice). But, if you want to write one about these types let me know. Soon to come...INFP's.


INFJ--The Mean Girl

Not all evil masterminds are quintessential system builders. INFJ's show us that emotions and coldness can go hand in hand. Perhaps the best way to explain this is through a drama. A small child realizes they have a gift for communicating with people. But, upon discovering this, they realize that they would rather just reserve this ability for a few people and exploit everyone else.

Perhaps INFJ's are the REAL evil masterminds. Often, INTJ's systems are to complex to actually work (case in point Wile E. Coyote). But INFJ's mission is simple. Convert everyone to NF personality types. "EVERYONE MUST DO ART. EVERYONE MUST BE COMPLEX AND EMOTIONAL LIKE ME!" is probably what INFJ's are thinking most of the time. Also, INFJ's are overly protective of the people they are trying to convert (or friends whatever you want to call it).

Apparently, INFJ's are the 'rarest' of the personalities, but they are relatively easy to spot. They are the ones judging you about that new dress you got. Perhaps it is part of their insatiable need to gossip that INFJ's always have a few very close friends.

Relationships: Probably with someone not emotionally complex. Hippocrits.

Children: Just don't look at them or the INFJ will kill you.

Famous INFJ's: I wouldn't know, their all so damn emotionally complex. Maybe Carl Jung.

Friday, May 14, 2010

INTP--The Elitist Bastard

Whats wrong with this sentence: "My Friend who is an INTP wen't out last friday night". What? Went out? Thats funny. Thats really funny. But seriously, INTP's spend all their time holed up in their bedroom googling things just so they can sound smart. Should some unsuspecting bystandar (whom I feel deeply sorry for) should happen by the INTP might set off their trap net and force this poor soul to have a lengthy semantics debate with them about some esoteric subject such as phenomenology.

INTP's also have serious problems with motivation. Although they are not driven to pure evil such as their INTJ cousins, they really don't do anything which is probably just as bad. Einstein, a famous INTP and perhaps the only succsessful one, reportedly watched molecules in the air for hours on end. And if you wan't an INTP to do anything for you, don't even ask. They are
so independant (perhaps lazy is a better word) that they won't ever help you with anything. Unless its related to their interests, which are so damn esoteric don't even ask.

Romance: All INTP's are asexual.

Children: You must be kidding.

Famous INTP's: That douchebag college professor, and that guy who lives in the cave and eats garbage.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

ISFP--The Starving Artist

ISFP's live in a world of butterflies and cute puppies, akin to the INFP except more aware of the surroundings. ISFP's have been called "the nicest personality" and for good reason; ISFP's gladly give money to charity and are concerned about the well being of those less fortunate. This overflowing niceness leads to an unresolved paradox, however, where the ISFP actually becomes incredibly mean to people for not being "nice". Also, ISFP's blame themselves for everything; plane crashes, the halaucast, why Bush was elected and trust me it can get annoying.

This trait combination has been dubbed "the Starving Artist" because they will give away all their possesions at some point to focus entirely on art. Or maybe not. ISFP's do whatever they feel like doing, whether it be joining the circus, going to dance school instead of real college, or jumping off a five hundred foot cliff. So go buy a chain link fence or a tether to tie them to (unless they ran away while you were reading this, in which case contact "ISFP recovery program" under police services) if you live with one.

Romance: Invariably, ISFP's will end up with some loser they feel bad for.

Children: Probably with the divorced father/mother after the ISFP ran away to Mexico.

Famous ISFP's: Van Gogh (who cut off his ear becuase he felt like it), and Fred Astaire.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

INTJ(FUNNY)--The Evil Mastermind

Disclaimer: In no way does this reflect facts or beliefs of anyone. This is pure nonsense.

INTJ's are highly intelligent analytical heartless bastards who spend most of their time thinking up different ways to kill you. Their dominant Introversion and iNtuition combined with Thinking and Judging makes them highly attracted to systems of any kind. This also makes them idea people and makes them good with abstract concepts. However, while INTP's want to understand an idea fully, INTJ's are more concerned with using an idea for their own diabolical purpose. INTP's ask "what does this mean?" and INTJ's ask "how can I use this idea for pure evil????". For example, while an INTP may spend hours thinking about quantum mechanics, an INTJ could study it in half the time and use the other hald to build a quantum laser.

Some people say many evil villians are INTJ's, but this is a common misconception. If any INTJ gained the amount of power that evil villians usually get in major hollywood picture, than the hero would be dead within the first 10 minutes. INTJ's are incredibly efficient when left to their own ends. INTJ's also do not care about trivialities such as politeness, manners, or formalities of any kind. Consequently, INTJ's usually do not gain alot of power because they die from forgetting to eat or drink, something that they regard as unimportant details. That is, until they lay on their deathbed. Common last words of the INTJ: "My only regret is not eating...and not having any friends to tell me".

INTJ's are probably the most Introverted type, although not necessarily the most independant. They usually get tired of not having friends after awhile and enslave/torture small animals which they also study. Or, they may attempt to win a girl by using overly clear pick up lines such as "you know what would be fun? If I inserted my penis...". Most INTJ's are doomed to live alone forever, and the few that actually manage to make some kind of social contact with others will probably accidently kill them with their diabolical quantum laser.

Romance: Supposing an INTJ actually does convince a girl to go out with them, they will just end up talking all night about their quantum laser and boring the girl to death. Literally.

Children: No INTJ has ever been reported to have sexual intercourse, but theoretically the children would be used in some kind of complex world domination plan.

Famous INTJ's: Every successful criminal, Nietsche, Ann Ranyd, and that guy with who keeps talking about his quantum laser GOD WILL HE SHUT UP ALREADY!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


This blog will be used for me to write my knowledge of MBTI personalities. I'll post summaries of the various types, as well as type interactions, type compatibilities, ect...Please blog if you have any comments, questions, suggestions for topics, ect... Mainly, my goal is to build up a large database of specific MBTI info that cannot be found on over generalized websites, or at least cannot be easily accessed from one website.