Sunday, June 20, 2010

INFP--The Psycho ..... Idealist

It's easy to spot this personality type. They are the person WAY to passionate about some idea they just read about. All personality types have achilles heels, but this type has no heels, that is because these people are f ing crazy. Don't tell them that, though, because they probably already know it.

What I'm trying to say is that INFP's are passionate about what they believe in, whether it be saving children from certain death in Africa or neo notzism. These people are IDEALISTS to the core. A typical INFP would say: What? There is no objective evidence for my idea? Fuck you! Objectivity is a bunch of BULLOX! My idea is right becuause I READ IT (in national inquirier, most likely). Sure, I'll here your idea, but my idea is better BECAUSE I BELIEVE IT!!!!!....

So, when talking to an INFP just listen to them prattle on about whatever stupid crap they believe in and maybe throw in something every once in awhile with the expectation that they won't listen to you at all...believe me I've tried.

Famous INFP's: Joan of Arc, who used her passion of patriotism to save France and then died for it...just goes to show, idealist's are stupid.